Liebesfluchten hat geschrieben: ↑14.12.2024, 22:56
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Sexpuppen und Zeichnungen sind wie Einstiegsdrogen. Irgendwann wollen die Konsumenten mehr. Darum könnte die Forderung auf der Webseite für mich mindestens indirekt zur Verleitung von Straftaten beitragen. Das macht sie zu einer Straftat. Darum habe ich Anzeige erstattet.“
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Das sind Fake News. Es wäre schön, wenn das jemand melden könnte, damit der Betreiber das löschen kann.
Exploring the Ownership of Child‑Like Sex Dolls
Craig A. Harper and Rebecca Lievesley
Archives of Sexual Behavior (2022) 51:4141–4156
In this work, we have not found any evidence that those who own child-like dolls are at an increased risk for sexual offending against children.
In this study, we have presented what we believe to be the first empirical study into the psychological and risk-related constructs associated with the ownership of child-like sex dolls. In contrast to moralistic publications citing the potential risks of such dolls in related to child sexual abuse (Chatterjee, 2020; Danaher, 2017, 2019; Strikwerda, 2017), we found evidence for their functional use. In light of this, we hope that those working in psychological and sex science can launch systematic studies that explore how to best support MAPs in their search for safe sexual outlets, with ultimate aims of improving levels of mental health in this population and, subsequent to this, the prevention of the sexual abuse of children.
The Self-Reported Sexual Real-World Consequences of Sex Doll Use
Jeanne C. Desbuleux and Johannes Fuss
The Journal of Sex Research, April 2023 61(2)
Interestingly, pedo-hebephilic users reported a greater reduction of sexual compulsivity compared to teleiophilic participants following doll use. Additionally, pedo-hebephilic participants more often reported acting out of illegal sexual fantasies with their dolls and a loss of interest in (sexual) intimacy with real children through doll use in the qualitative data. These self-reported data challenge the view that doll use is dangerously affecting human sexuality and instead suggest that dolls may be used as a sexual outlet for potentially dangerous and illegal (sexual) fantasies.
Child-like sex dolls: legal, empirical, and ethical perspectives
Jeanne C. Desbuleux and Johannes Fuss
IJIR: Your Sexual Medicine Journal (2024) 36:722–727
The review deals with the controversy surrounding the use of highly realistic dolls with a child-like appearance. It summarizes recent empirical findings and provides an overview of the different legal and ethical perspectives on this issue. Countries use different legal approaches to regulate the use or sale of child-like sex dolls. Although a causal link is assumed by some legislators between the prohibition of such dolls and the protection of children from sexual abuse, empirical studies do not support this causality. The imposition of bans will hinder empirical research on the potential use of alternative sexual outputs for people with paraphilic disorders.
Unlike other forms of sexually stimulating material, child-like dolls are inherently fictional. They are not sexualized objects by default; instead, their sexual nature emerges from the user’s imagination and actions. These dolls can be seen as fantasies brought to life, making them visible and potentially morally offensive to the public. It seems that the bans against dolls are not just about protecting children, but also about the desire for moral control, in which complete abstinence from any sexual behavior seems to be the only legitimate way of dealing with a pedophilic interest.