Drucksache 19/23707 vom 27.10.2020 des deutschen Bundestags
der Fraktionen der CDU/CSU und SPD
Und hier habe ich ein paar Auszüge aus folgender wissenschaftlichen Studie zusammengestellt:Es besteht die Gefahr, dass Sexpuppen mit kindlichem Erscheinungsbild bei den Nutzern die Hemmschwelle zur sexualisierten Gewalt gegen Kinder senken und damit zur sexualisierten Gewalt gegen Kinder mittelbar beitragen. Durch die Nutzung solcher Objekte kann der Wunsch geweckt beziehungsweise verstärkt werden, die an dem Objekt eingeübten sexuellen Handlungen in der Realität an einem Kind vorzunehmen. Hierdurch wird die Gefahr für Kinder, Opfer von sexualisierter Gewalt zu werden, gesteigert, was nicht hinzunehmen ist.
Beyond the Sex Doll: Post-Human Companionship and the Rise of the ‘Allodoll’
Mitchell Langcaster-James and Gillian R Bentley
Department of Anthropology, Durham University
Published: 8 October 2018
While the majority of doll owners (77%) in the present study here reported having a sexual relationship with their dolls, over half (57%) spontaneously spoke of elements of their relationship that could be considered forms of companionship. The perception of dolls as companions, therapeutic aids, activity partners, or photography models was spontaneously discussed in a high proportion of responses. Most participants revealed that, contrary to popular expectation, sex doll ownership is less like an individual owning a sexual aid, and far more akin to an individual engaging in a parasocial relationship.
The study undertaken here found direct reflections of human relatedness in the activities of owners and dolls, arguably confirming their bonds as unique forms of post-human kinship. Owners described their dolls as individual people with unique personalities and preferences. Many participants explained that their dolls were “someone” with whom they could watch TV, listen to music, eat, and co-sleep. This was typified by comments such as, “to me my doll is my life partner. She’s the one I come home to every night and look forward to spending time with”. Ultimately, it seemed that their doll’s primary purpose was to provide comfort and companionship, which was often to help combat their owners’ loneliness.
An earlier, but smaller, study of sex doll owners by Ferguson also indicated that companionship may be a significant component of doll–owner dynamics [19 ]. In light of these findings, the term ‘sex doll’ may not be entirely appropriate, and may unnecessarily stigmatize some doll owners. The doll-owning community itself has attempted to move away from sex-specific terms for the dolls and now commonly uses the term ‘love doll’. However, even this is sexual or romantic in nature, and fails to encompass the broad range of alternative dynamics in doll–owner relationships which emerged from the present study. Our data revealed that dolls are considered partners, friends, and family, which is in line with post-human kinship theories. Several participants identified their dolls as therapeutic in nature, while others referred to them as people with independent thought processes and individual personalities. Therefore, limited labels such as ‘sex doll’ may prove restrictive for future researchers seeking to understand and describe the diversity of doll owners and their alternative uses of dolls.
Therefore, the present study proposes a new, more widely encompassing rubric, namely “allodoll”. Stemming from the Greek állos, ‘allo’ is a prefixed form of ‘other’ when combined with another word [ 37]. The term ‘alloparent’ is already used to describe substitute parents and the formation of kinship among non-biologically related individuals [ 38,39 ]. Therefore, ‘allodoll’ is a more encompassing term acknowledging wider potential relationships between humans and their dolls. This new term could also ameliorate concerns of those who are offended by the manufacturing of female ‘sex dolls’, since it does not reduce these ‘substitute women’ to mere sexual objects. By communicating that an allodoll’s primary function is not necessarily sexual, but rather social, it is possible that the introduction of the new term may pave the way towards alleviating some of the tensions between these opposing parties. A definition for ‘allodoll’ is suggested below:
Allodoll: A humanoid doll, typically of substantial realism, used as a means of replacing, or substituting, a necessary or desired social relationship. Allodolls may or may not offer sexual functionality, but crucially they must serve at least one significant, non-sexual, purpose for their owner. They can be infantile or adult in appearance, and may be static, or incorporate robotic technologies, speech functionality, or animation. Allodolls facilitate a fabricated kinship, fantasy partnership, or other form of parasocial relationship.
This suggested that doll owners are so emotionally attached to their dolls, which they view as unique individuals, that even the increased functionality of another model may not be attractive enough to end their parasocial relationship. The extreme levels of loyalty and affection displayed by owners of allodolls without technologically-enhanced realism poses the question: might owners of sex robots become even more attached?
Recent research by the United Kingdom (UK) Government indicated that some nine million individuals in the UK often or always feel lonely, with around 200,000 older individuals having not spoken to friends or family in over a month [ 40 ]. The introduction of the first ever Loneliness Minister in the UK Parliament is a direct reflection of the current crisis. Loneliness was also a topic widely discussed among participants, many of whom cited stories such as:Participants in the study often spoke of purchasing and employing dolls as a means of reducing feelings of social seclusion. Whether isolated as a result of geographical constraints, mental health difficulties, or real-life relationship deterioration, the ability of allodolls to help reduce the effects of social exclusion were extensively discussed.“Two years ago I began to feel lonely. My synthetic ladies certainly help in this regard as they have a strong presence so I basically feel like someone is here with me.”
Indeed, some retailers are even beginning to market their sex dolls by highlighting their non-sexual benefits. Claims such as, “a sex doll can provide companionship and sexual satisfaction at any hour of the day” (our emphasis), are now somewhat commonplace among retailers [2].
5. Conclusions
The growing industry for increasingly realistic sex dolls along with the development of robotic technology has led to increasing debates about the pros and cons of sex doll use within human societies. On the one hand, opponents argue that their use will encourage increased objectification and violence towards women, while proponents advocate that sex dolls could have valid therapeutic, social, and health benefits. To examine these issues further, we undertook a study of 83 doll users via two online doll forums, conducting both quantitative and qualitative research using a 22-item questionnaire. Our results support earlier but limited findings illustrating that companionship and alleviation of loneliness are often more important functions of these sex dolls, at least as reflected among users of online forums, mitigating the dire warnings of those who are pessimistic about the future of sexbot use. Similarly, our results underscore the potential for strong emotional bonds being forged with robotic dolls in the future as they become increasingly sophisticated and personalised. We suggest using a broader term —‘allodoll’— to facilitate more effective discussion of the doll phenomenon that could also encompass other animate, zoomorphic, therapeutic dolls used for patients in clinical settings. The term could likewise facilitate development of theories relating to post-human kinship, as we enter uncharted social and cyborg territories.